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Topics |
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Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship:- Entrepreneur: Definition And Concept, Characteristics of Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship: Definition & Characteristics, Emergence of Entrepreneurial Class, Comparison of Entrepreneur with Entrepreneurship, Enterprise and Manager. |
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Classification and Functions of Entrepreneur:- Introduction, Danhof’s Classification, Other Classifications, Intrapreneurs, Ultrapreneurs, Functions of Entrepreneurs. |
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Theories of Entrepreneurship:- Sociological Theories, Economic Theories, Cultural Theories, Psychological Theories, Specialists’ Views on Entrepreneurship, Models on Entrepreneurship. |
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Promotion of a Venture:- Opportunity Analysis, Environment and Entrepreneurship, Technological Environment, Competitive Factors, Small Scale Industrial Undertakings, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises: Recent Policy Initiative, Steps in Settings up a Small Scale Industrial Enterprise, Legal Requirement for Establishing a New Unit, Important Acts, Policies of the Government. |
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Raising of Funds:- Raising of Funds: Internal and External, Sources of Finance to Entrepreneurs, Capital Structure, Capitalization, Export Finance: Pre-Shipment and Post-Shipment, Venture Capital: Origin and Evolution, Concepts, Aims and Features of Venture Capital, Venture Capital: Financing Steps, Sources of Venture Capital and Criteria to Provide Venture Capital Finance. |
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Entrepreneurial Behaviour:- Innovation and Entrepreneur, Schumpeter’s and Drucker’s Theories, Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Psychological Theories, Social Responsibility. |
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Entrepreneurship Development Programme:- Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (EDPs): Meaning and Objectives, The Indian EDP Model, Phases of EDPs, EDP Curriculum, Evaluation of EDP, Common Denominators of Success of EDPs, Role, Relevance and Achievements of EDPs, Role of Government in Organizing EDPs. |
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Women Entrepreneurship:- Introduction, Concept of Women Entrepreneurs, Empowerment of Women Through Enterprise, Factors Governing Women Entrepreneurship, Schemes for Women Entrepreneurs. |
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Rural Entrepreneurship:- Introduction, Rural Industries under KVIC Purview Advantages of Rural Industrialization, Major Challenges in the Way of Development of Rural Industries, Recommendations to Boost up Rural Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship through Poverty Alleviation Programmes, Excerpts from Former Prime Minister’s Address on Youth, Entrepreneurship and Employment |
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Role of Entrepreneur:- Introduction, Role of Entrepreneur as an Innovator in Economic Growth, Role of Entrepreneur in Generation of Employment Opportunities, Role of Entrepreneur in Complementing and Supplementing Economic Growth, Role of Entrepreneur in Social Stability and Balanced Regional Development of Industries, Role of Entrepreneur in Export Promotion and Import Substitution, Role of Entrepreneur in Foreign Exchange Earnings and Augmenting and Meeting Local Demand. |